Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the Data Entry Project?

The Data Entry project aims to gather twitter accounts focused on the crypto market and covering specific countries or languages that are not as mainstream as usual The purpose of this initiative is to allow our LLM model to be able to cover as much of Data Entry project main purpose is to help make our model as comprehensive in world coverage as possible in order to provide our future users with the best real-time, market data.

What is the purpose of this project?

Our project aims to map the global crypto influencer landscape by collecting and categorizing valuable Twitter accounts and lists linked to specific countries. By participating, you help identify key voices driving crypto trends worldwide.

How do I participate?

Connect your wallet, select a country on the map, and submit influential Twitter accounts or LIST IDs from Twitter, which can pass multiple accounts at once. Earn points for valid entries, contributing to your chances of winning rewards.

What rewards can I earn?

Participants can earn points for valid submissions, which qualify them for our main prizes:

  • 1st Prize: 7,000 USDT
  • 2nd Prize: 3,000 USDT
  • 3rd Prize: 1,000 USDT
Additionally, there will be 20 raffles over six months and 10 raffles over three months, where random participants can win by earning points. Each point gives you a raffle ticket.

How are points calculated?

You earn points by submitting crypto-related accounts or lists targeting specific countries. You must be among the first three to share an account to gain a point. If 30% or more of your submissions are not related to crypto, each of those will result in a deduction of 1 point. Points are weighted based on the median impressions of submitted accounts, measured from recent posts:

  • Accounts above the median: 1 point
  • Accounts around the median (±25%): 0.75 points
  • Accounts below the median (-25% or more): 0.5 points

Are there any requirements for the submitted accounts or lists?

Yes, submitted accounts must be active in the crypto space, target a specific country, and have at least 525 followers. The first three valid submissions will receive points based on median post impressions.

Can I see if an account has already been submitted?

No, users will not know if an account has already been submitted. This allows us to validate the accuracy of the data if the same account is added multiple times.

What if the influencer‘s country is unknown?

If you‘re unsure of the influencer‘s country, assign them to the USA to maintain consistency in our data collection.

How is performance measured during the project?

We are basing our scoring on the median impressions of the accounts rather than live performance tracking. The project will run throughout October, and points along with the leaderboard will be released at the end of the month. Participants will be able to check their scores only then.

How is the privacy of my data protected?

We prioritize your privacy. Your wallet information and submissions will be securely stored and used solely for the purposes of this project.

How long will the project last?

The project will run for the entire month of October 2024. Points and leaderboard standings will be released at the end of the month, and participants will be able to check their scores only then.